Sep 4, 2008

Science > Jenny McCarthy

A word to all the whining parents of autistic kids...that life-saving MMR vaccine had nothing to do with your kid's illness. Deal with it. Jenny McCarthy can go back to hosting shows on MTV and stop trying to convince us all that she knows something. It turns out she didn't really know anything after all...which I could have told her forever ago!

Sorry with this. I like this link also because it provides an additional link to the original academic source.

I know this really makes me a psychology nerd (and I don't even really have an affinity for developmental crap...), but I just love it when science wins!


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm slowly but surely heading your way. For now I'm Agnostic, but she's pushing me faster and faster to the "dark side".

Jamie said...

Welcome friend. We have cookies. :)