Aug 29, 2008

Food on a Stick!

I've never been to a State Fair, but that ends Saturday! The MAIN thing I'm looking forward to is "sticking" as many food items that come served on a stick into my mouth as humanly possible! Not all at once...that would be ridiculous. There will be pictures...stay tuned.

Aug 23, 2008


Gah!!! I was hoping he'd pick Joe Biden! I've been a Biden fan for a while and am super glad he's running with Obama. Also..."Obama-Biden" just has a nice ring to it. Time to commence Operation: Amass as much first edition election stuff as possible. Go!

Aug 21, 2008

Back in Rochester...

As nice as it feels to actually be back home, coming off of such a fantastic (and long) break is going to take a bit of adjustment...especially considering all the wonderful things that happened over break! I'm hoping that having everyone back on campus tomorrow will help. It's STILL a Ghost Town around here! :)

Anyway...back to work because you KNOW I'm still not 100% prepared for my classes that start Monday!

Aug 19, 2008

Work Work Work...

It's actually been a pretty good thing that Ryan has to be on campus all week because it's giving me a chance to get some work done for fall...that starts in less than a week! As of now I've got my syllabi done and the assignments for General Psych up online. Now to finish getting my section of Development ready to go and I'll be all set.

I'm getting excited for classes to start and get back on campus...the summer up there is so lame because no one is around! It'll be super to see everyone again and get back to some semblance of a routine...even if that means that I don't get to lounge around with Ryan all day. I got WAY too spoiled starting this relationship over the summer...too much free time. :P

Aug 17, 2008

Crazy People Can Sure Ruin a Girl's Day...

You would think that being several months removed from exiting my life would have given someone enough time to move on and concentrate their energy on something more productive than stalking...BUT...I can't argue with the logic of a crazy person.

Here's the gist of a creepy-ass text I got the other night: "Your in for a rude awakening (misspelled and all!). Enjoy yourself while you can."

WTF!? Really? Is ruining my day REALLY going to make someone feel better? How old are we? Come on! (Gob emphasis please.)

Anyway...if I end up missing... :P

Aug 14, 2008

Fall Already?

I know I'll get ZERO sympathy from anyone, but I'm a bit bummed that the semester is starting in a week or so.

This summer has turned out to far exceed ANY expectations I MAY have fathomed back in May. The most stellar thing that's happened (and it began at the most unexpected time...) is that Ryan came in to my life and brings out the best in me every time he's around. I think we really did this right and it's paying off for sure. Anyway...the suckiest part is that we can't spend random weeks together once school starts because we're both super duper busy during the school year. I guess we'll be stuck seeing each other on random weekends...good thing we both have the same days off! :D Awesome. It's weird how things like this happen when you're least expecting them to...scratch that...NOT expecting them all. Awesome again.

Also...instead of teaching my awesome sections of Social Psych and Honors Intro, I'll be teaching Human Growth & Development again. Not terrible, but not ideal either. Anyway...back to work. I have a syllabus to write. :P