Jun 22, 2008


So I went to Meatfest tonight...I'm making a T-Shirt. Aweseome. I tried: Antelope, Elk, Ostrich, Yak, Beef, Rabbit, among others... It was all delicious. I really do feel sorry for the veggie people out there...meat is SO GOOD!!!

Jun 15, 2008


I've got a ton of crap to do, but can't seem to get any of it done. Lame and awesome at the same time.

Jun 14, 2008


So I was totally NOT looking forward to last week's marathon class I needed to take for work...but overall it exceeded my expectations. Not the class per se...but the people there pretty much ruled. By Friday, the cool kids were running on about 9 hours of sleep for 3 days. Awesome. Anyway...Marshall, MN? Awesome. :P

Jun 8, 2008

Double Yuk.

So here I am in Marshall, MN in the middle of nowhere trying to get my learn on for a week with a bunch of people I don't know. Super fun. If anyone was thinking, "Well Jamie, SW Minnesota sounds like a lovely place to whole one's self up for a week..." YOU'D BE DEAD WRONG! Anyway...just have to complain. Yuk and Blech. Double Yuk.

Jun 5, 2008

Yay Second Job!

So I <3 Barnes & Noble and thought it would be pretty sweet if I could get a second job working there...so I did! Anyway...extra money and getting my lazy ass out of the house are both good things...so I start on the 16th after I get back from my week-long workshop (blech) in Marshall, MN.

Jun 2, 2008

Zee Planes!

So a swell friend of mine up here is an air traffic controller over at the airport and I got a tour of the tower...which was pretty freaking sweet! I must have come at a good time because not only did I get to see a plane land and take off from the coolest perspective on earth, but I also got to see a crazy hot air balloon GTFO of the way of some rich d00ds private jet. Anyway...it was cool as shit. :)