Sep 19, 2008

A Wed Wose...

How extraordinawy! (Blazing Saddles...anyone?)

Anyway...I have been being a total girlie girl today after I got the call from the mailroom at work saying I had a package. The package? A bouquet of 18 stunning red roses from my love! Eeee!!!

Sep 4, 2008

Science > Jenny McCarthy

A word to all the whining parents of autistic kids...that life-saving MMR vaccine had nothing to do with your kid's illness. Deal with it. Jenny McCarthy can go back to hosting shows on MTV and stop trying to convince us all that she knows something. It turns out she didn't really know anything after all...which I could have told her forever ago!

Sorry with this. I like this link also because it provides an additional link to the original academic source.

I know this really makes me a psychology nerd (and I don't even really have an affinity for developmental crap...), but I just love it when science wins!

Echoing my friend Katie...

Katie has been ranting on her blog as of late about the recent developments in the '08 presidential race (check out her blog HERE) and I just wanted to take a minute to say a big, "Amen, Sister!".

Let's be frank. No GOP candidate is going to be a Hillary Substitute. sucks that your team didn't win the nomination, but the alternatives (not voting or voting for McCain) are not going to move this country in a direction that any of us should feel comfortable with and/or proud of. This year aside, OUR team (that is, the Democrats and rationality) has been treated like the neighbor's asshole dog and kicked around with no one really doing anything about it. We gave up the White House twice in a row to a tyrant and have allowed our civil liberties and freedoms to be --oooh...I just saw a blue jay out my window-- treated like commodities and not rights. I'm not claiming to know enough about politics to argue any specific agenda, but I know enough about the type of country I DON'T want to live in to know that the only people I trust to avoid the terror that another GOP term would wrought are Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Yes...I just used the word "wrought". Deal with it.

Also...kudos to Katie for her stance on abortion. Pro-Choice is NOT Pro-"lets kill all the babies". What ever happened to the simplest tenet of Christianity, "Do unto others..." and all that? If you wouldn't want me or someone with a differing point of view to be screaming at you about the error of YOUR way of thinking, why would you do that to me? Logic people...try it. Just because you believe you are taking the moral high-ground DOES NOT make you a good person. I don't believe Jesus ever taught his followers (and I do know...I WAS a Christian for longer than I haven't been...) to go out and berate people who didn't accept his teaching.

There...a post that has nothing to do with how awesome I think Ryan is. DOH! :P

Sep 1, 2008

Awesome time...

As per usual, I had another fantastic weekend with Ryan. We trucked it up to the MN State Fair on Saturday and indulged in several culinary treats served up on a stick. We pretty much chilled out on Sunday (exhausted from walking around the fair the entire day before...) and now I'm sitting at Panera. Which brings me to the actual purpose of writing this drivel today: I miss that guy! Ugh...I REALLY miss him. I much prefer it when I'm in close proximity to him. He makes me smile all the time. I have yet to find anything about him that I'm "meh" about...I like him more than a lot if that even needs to be said. I think overall things are just a bit lonely here in Rochester when he's not here... I moved away from all my family and friends for my job here. I love love love my job and the people I work with are great, but as far as actually hanging out with them's tough. Most of them have kids and all of them are married. I'll be fine again tomorrow when I get back on campus, but today watching Ryan drive away yet again just freshly reminded me that I'll get to spend the rest of the week coming home to an empty apartment and counting down the days until I get to see him again.

OK...this pity party is donecakes. Lame.