Feb 16, 2010

Winter FUN and Winter FAIL!

Winter FUN:
Ryan and I spent a perfect long weekend over Valentine's day up at his family's cabin in Pequot Lakes, MN. It was so nice to just be away from everything with my Love and a little gin! :) We exchanged Valentine's gifts: Ryan really outdid himself when he presented me with a beautiful necklace from Tiffany's!! I've never had jewelry this nice and I can't wait to wear it every day! We spent some time in Nisswa for the Winter Jubilee (Pirate themed!!!), ice fished, watched movies, played PS3 and Monopoly, did some shopping, and stuffed our faces with Rafferty's. All in all it was awesome.

Winter FAIL:
I had to get back to Rochester on Tuesday for a Staff Development Day (I was presenting a session so it was doubly important that I got back...). We left the Cabin on Monday morning so I could get back to Worthington to pick up my car and then drive the 2.5 hours back to Rochester before it got dark. We were executing the plan perfectly when a "ground-blizzard" picked op and turned Interstate 90 into a sheet of ice! I was uncomfortably driving 40 MPH on the interstate allowing for everyone and their grannies to pass me, when I noticed one semi behind me creeping up awful fast and begin to lose his back-end. I steered onto the shoulder to avoid a catastrophe but decided that enough was enough. I found the closest hotel and got a room for the night. Longer story short: I made it back to Rochester for my presentation with both myself AND Stella in one piece. Moral of the story: Long term relationships are WAY easier in California. :)