Oct 4, 2010

Updates on Life

Work:  Is awesome!  I've been serving as our Assessment of Student Learning person since August and it's going great!  I've helped develop some campus-wide rubrics and just submitted a proposal to a major annual conference.  Some weeks are super busy and some are less so, but I'm starting to find some balance. 
School:  Is progressing.  I'm taking a statistics course (it actually might stick this time!) and an online educational psychology course.  Both classes are great, lots of work, but great.  I'm trying to read as much assessment and motivation literature as I can for my dissertation, but need to get cracking on that a bit more.  In general, I will be looking at whether course assessments can increase student motivation (with the assumption that more motivated students don't just perform better...they actually LEARN more than non-motivated students).  I've become a total assessment geek.  
Wedding: Is coming along.  That is all there is to say about that for now.  :)
Travel Plans:  Ryan and I are REALLY hoping to get to spend some time overseas this summer.  It's ludicrous that we have 3 months "off" over the summer and have yet to really go anywhere!  I'm over letting "life" get in the way of traveling!  No more excuses.  We're thinking Prague.

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