Jan 4, 2009


My Christmas break was awesome due mostly to the fact that I could finally spend my holidays with someone who has never once caused me to question whether or not I want to be with him. I honestly have not enjoyed my holidays this much since I was a kid...I'm so glad to have that joy back. We went caroling with his family, spent some time with my family/friends in Iowa, and partied it up with friends in Chicago over New Years. It's going to be a crazy busy semester with lots of things up in the air, so the time with friends was perfect.

Also...I got A's in both my graduate classes! I will officially be making the big bucks at school once transcripts get sent and HR does their job...which could take forever considering my previous experiences with HR. My confidence in their ability to do their jobs is low.

Anyway...now that the delight of the holidays is over it's time to get back to some semblance of a routine which for me this semester means working Tuesday-Thursday. :) I'm really going to need to find something to do with myself with my free time.


itookthewalk said...

ew, I used to have to work/study in HR. I hated every second of it.

Devon said...

Come visit meeeeeee.