Jul 27, 2009

One year...

Ryan and I celebrated one year "officially" together this past weekend! I was surprised with beautiful flowers at work and when he came to visit, he surprised me again with tickets to a musical! We saw A Musical of Musicals: The Musical at the Rochester Civic Theater and I was 100% impressed by the local talent. We had such a nice night, sitting front row, just laughing at the ridiculous spoof of musicals. After the play we headed to Newt's and split a yummy burger. Friday and Saturday we pretty much just chilled around my place...although we DID spend a bit of time shopping for a new TV! I can not wait until I'm back from Michigan so I can actually go buy it! One of my favorite parts of the weekend was the few hours we spent outside on a blanket both working on our respective projects. I need to finish my second grad class from the summer and he needs to work on his thesis. He had to leave this morning and I am a little bummed about it. I won't get to see him this weekend (stupid MI) and he has two friends' bachelor parties the next two weekends. I'm sure we'll budget the time, but it's quickly becoming the "work" year and I know that means our time together will be limited to weekends. On top of that, we're both going to be crazy busy this year: He's finishing his master's thesis and I'm starting a graduate program in Mankato.

Anyway...this has been the best year of my life and I'm looking forward to many more! I can't even describe how nice it is to finally have Ryan in my life. I've been waiting for him for a long time.

1 comment:

Sarah C said...

That's really awesome. I'm so happy for you two! ~Sarah C